Spiritourisme Depaz
spiritourisme depaz

The visit in detail

Visit the park


Take advantage of the nice weather in Martinique by strolling through the Depaz Park: a large green space of 5 hectares with its majestic and centennial trees. You can discover the Depaz bucket wheel measuring more than 7 meters in diameter. 

evenementiel depaz

Visit of the château Depaz


Built from 1917 to 1922, this castle is now part of the reputation of DEPAZ rhums. This building bears witness to the intense activity of the estate driven by a visionary named Victor DEPAZ. You can discover the smoking room, the game room, the office of Victor Depaz, as well as the dining room and the archive room. 


Rates :


- Visit of the castle + 1 tasting: 5€.

- Visit of the castle + 2 tastings: 7€.


chateau depaz

A thirst-quenching break at La Case à Louisette


You will have the opportunity to refresh yourself with the Depaz syrups that we offer along with homemade cakes. Named after one of Victor Depaz's first workers, the Case à Louisette is now run by his grand-daughter to perpetuate the tradition.

la case a louisette

Visit the Museum


Continue your visit by discovering typical objects related to rhum making in the Depaz Museum: a place rich in history that completes the visit of the Castle.

musee depaz

The Depaz Distillery


Nestled at the foot of Mount Pelee, the distillery still operates today thanks to an old steam engine. The visit of the Depaz Distillery will allow you to apprehend all the stages of the production of rhum of controlled appellation Martinique, thanks to a free circuit with panels or with the audioguided visit.

distillerie rhum depaz

End your visit in beauty with a tasting at the store


We will have the pleasure to welcome you in our store to let you taste our quality rhums. 

Rates :

- visit of the castle + one tasting: 5€ 

- visit of the castle + two tastings: 7€.

- a single tasting : free/3€ for our VSOP and XO rhums. 

depaz vsop



1.  Reception

2. Weighing the sugar cane 

3. Water fall

4. View Point

5. Orientation desk

6. Pelton wheel

7. Crunching the cane & steam engine

8. Fermentation tanks & still pots

9. Boilers

10. Stores for ageing purposes

11. Depaz Museum

12. Water turbine

13. Water hut & Louisette's hut

14. Stainless still vats (white rhum)

15. Le Moulin à Cannes Restaurant

Visit Plan

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